Add Bonuses for better sales #ad
What does it take to earn money as an affilliate? Being able to clearly spell out why a reader would want to investigate a product is a necessity. Having a group of followers who trust you certainly helps, although it isn’t exactly a necessity since you could use PPC to get buyers. But there’s one more thing:
Creating a reason why you are the marketer they should buy through. Every time there is a new marketing product is released, dozens of affiliates send e-mail wanting you to buy from their link. You may ignore some because they can’t explain the product clearly. But how do you choose from the others?
Most people look to see which of the many vendors are offering a bonus and when they see a bonus they like, they buy from that vendor’s link.
But it’s not easy getting your act together enough to offer a bonus for a product you are promoting: chooing a product (or several), building a page that advertises your bonus and building a page that delivers it. Get all this done, and you can use a bonus to get people to buy from you.
Now Ken Reno has solved that problem for you, with Add Bonuses. This system handles all the work involved in setting up a bonus offer, including finding a bonus product to give people, writing the copy to promote the bonus, and building the page to deliver the bonus.
It not only handles bonuses; it also lets you handle upsells, too. For as many websites and as many offers as you need.
Add Bonuses requires no code download and installation. It is hosted on Ken Reno’s server. You just link to it, and it’s ready for you instantly.
There are bonuses pre-installed that you can use, or you can add your own bonuses.
You can use these bonus pages any way you want. For example:
• Thank You / Download Pages
• Optin Confirmation Pages
• 404 Error Pages
This is the system that lets you finally stand out among marketers because it’s so easy to create a bonus.
Check it out here: Add Bonuses
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