Ultimate Mobile Graphic Bundle: build professional mobile sites and mobile apps #ad
Good graphics go a long way to build an impression of quality in a visitor’s mind. Typically, though, they cost a lot to produce. Graphic designers aren’t cheap. But now there is another way.
Jamie Garside and David Chamberlain has created a big bundle of graphics suitable for the small screens of smartphones and tablets. They call them their Ultimate Mobile Graphic Bundle.
This bundle has over 150 icons, buttons and other graphics in many shapes, sizes and colors, all intended to show on a small screen.
It’s hard to imagine a mobile function that you would not find a graphic for in this collection.
Besides the web-ready version of the graphics in PNG format, you also get the editable PSD format to tweak them for your special needs.
Besides these graphics intended for mobile sites and apps, you get 4 large infographics you can use to promote your site or your marketing services.
You don’t want a cheap-looking website or app. These graphics will help you avoid the curse of cheapness.
Check them out here: Ultimate Mobile Graphic Bundle
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