Kindle Traffic Sniper: why isn’t your Kindle book selling? #ad
If you ever posted a Kindle book on amazon you know that the most frustrating part is not being able to know for sure what kind of traffic you are getting. Without this kind of feedback,
* You can’t split test your title, your graphics, your description.
* You can’t calculate an accurate conversion rate for your ads.
So even if you’re making some sales, you could be missing a lot more and there’s no way you can tell.
It’s like trying to run you business blindfolded. And until today, there was nothing you could do about it.
Today, Reach One Media has released Kindle Traffic Sniper to give you the feedback you need on how effective your ads are and to help you test one ad against another one to see which one works better.
You can have the Kindle Traffic Sniper process set up in about 10 minutes. Now, you can finally see the traffic/clicks my kindle books are receiving , and see the data in real time.
With this new tracking process, you can:
• See how many clicks your kindle book ad gets
• See what country that traffic came from
• Calculate your Conversion Rate
With the data you collect, your split tests will provide tangible facts, so you don’t have to base your decisions on hunches.
This training shows you how to use public tools in combination to build your own Kindle Traffic Sniper.
You can get get this crucial data for all your books with this new tool, and start marketing your Kindle books without the blindfold here: Kindle Traffic Sniper
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