If you have a blog or other WordPress site, it probably has a sidebar. In that sidebar, you probably have ads or other important information people shouldn’t miss.

The Sticky Profit Builder plugin, which is just being announced today, makes your existing sidebar widgets “stick” to their on-screen position even when your visitor scrolls down. They can’t scroll past this important information because it travels with them.

You have seen this on major commercial sites, and now you can have it on your own site.

This sliding widget (whether it’s a Banner Ad, an Optin Form, or Popular Posts list, etc.) would get up to 300% more exposure and thus more click-throughs, higher conversions, more leads and ultimately more sales after installing Sticky Profit Builder.

Unlike other sliding widget products where you have to invest a lot of time and effort to get things set up, Sticky Profit Builder is so easy to setup and the delivery process is so smooth, any marketer can do it.

This plugin makes any widget (with whatever content, form or offer you want to put in it) stick in front of the visitors’ eyes constantly.

To make the effect of your attention-pulling widget even stronger you can make it “glow” or light up when your visitor hovers the mouse over it. And that’s not all.

If you upgrade to the Pro version, you can make any particular widget appear out of nowhere after a set number of seconds delay and make it sticky, then, too. Your visitors won’t ignore the offers you’re promoting; their eyes will be drawn to your offer.

Using Sticky Profit Builder, you can:
• Make any of your existing widgets STICKY
• Optionally exclude/show on certain Posts/Pages
• Optionally show/change background color of your widgets
• Optionally promote the plugin and earn commissions by a one click affiliate link integration

The Pro version has all the options of the standard version plus:
1. An option to make a widget sticky after a set delay
2. Glowy widget feature: Make any of your widgets glow
    * Glow on mouse hover
    * Glow after a set delay automatically
    * Glow only when the widget appears
3. Creates fully configurable Header and Footer Bars with call to action text or graphics Plus Option to:
    * Make them sticky too
    * Make them Glow too
4. Exclude/Show them on certain Posts/Pages
5. Make them appear after a set Delay
And don’t forget the option to promote the plugin and earn commissions by a one click affiliate link integration.

You can visit the demo blog with the Pro version of Sticky Profit Builder in action. Mouse over the widget and you’ll see the “Glow” option active.

Check it out here: Sticky Profit Builder

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