Amazon wants to sell your Kindle book for you. And they are set up to do it well. They run a huge marketing machine. If your book gets their attention, they can sell it day in and day out. You just need to know how to write a book that will stand out and then position it in the Kindle marketplace so it continues to stand out.

The Kindle Authority training course intends to show you everything you need to know to be a high-selling Kindle author.

Ask yourself these questions:
• Do you know what kinds of books sell best on Kindle?
• Do you know how to structure a book so that it will be easy to read and, in the end, satisfying to readers?
• Do you knowhow to get 5-star reviews for your Kindle book?
• Do you know how to boost your book in the Kindle search results for your niche?
• Do you know how to promote your book to bring in sales?
• Do you know how to use your book as a platform to promote backend sales?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions and you want to be a Kindle author, you need The Kindle Authority.

Along with this great set of 10 training videos, you also get:
1. Kindle e-book covers you can use for your own books
2. Kindle formatting for Dummies- showing you how to get your book formatted so it looks good on the Kindle platform.
3. The Kindle Review Rush: how to get top reviews for your Kindle book
4. A live training session with a top-selling Kindle author

At time of writing, the price is $15.55, but the price is rising, so don’t delay. Get it here: The Kindle Authority

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