The website intelligence market is heating up. Ricky Mataka and Marius Price just released Viber Spy Pro, hard on the heals of WP Real Time Mouse Tracker, as reported yesterday.

This new software helps you understand how visitors use your site. You can see an aggregate

With Viber Spy Pro, you can see what your visitors are doing wherever they go on your site. Their mouse clicks and scrolling activities are captured as they explore.

Their movements can give you clues about where they are confused and why they aren’t opting in or buying. With this new knowledge, you can improve your site design.

You need to know where people are looking and clicking on your site to maximize sales. Viber Spy Pro will let you do that.

For example, when one marketer created a landing page for Google Adwords 7 out of the first 10 people scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page and then left. Apparently, they kept scrolling, hoping to find information they hadn’t seen higher on the page. Conversions increased once he added that additional information.

The heat map shows all mouse movements, clicks and scrolls, aggregated for all your visitors. You can also watch video recordings of individual user sessions to drill down and get more details.

This is the kind of technology that can potentially move a site’s results in a big way when the data is understood and acted upon.

Today only, the price is frozen at $11.40 for a single site or $22.32 for all the sites you own. You can get an upgrade to use it for sites you sell. See it in action and get all the facts here: Viber Spy Pro

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