HP Jeschke knows a lot about consulting with local businesses to help them make the move online. That’s what he has been doing for 3 years, now. He wants to share his process that makes building this kind of consulting business a lot easier and helps you scale it a lot faster than trial and error ever could.

If you want to build a stable and successful consulting business, you need the kind of information Jeschke shares with you in his Ultimate Offline Coach.

The steps outlined in it are proven to work in the trenches of real marketing to real businesses.

It covers your whole consulting business, from IRS compliance to business cards to social media to how to price your services and dozens of other topics.

It would be an over-statement to say this is the only guide you’ll ever need, but it is the only guide you will need in order to get started.

This is a dime sale so the price increases every sale. If you would like to lock in this low price (currently under $10) make sure you purchase right away here: Ultimate Offline Coach

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