The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “14 fantastic scrolling websites that tell a story”.

Chris Lake says, “In the past year or so there has been a trend in web design towards the use of scrolling, which can help to engage visitors and provides a feeling of movement and animation.

These web pages are entirely static, and rely on the visitor to interact in order to generate the ‘movement’. Back in the day if you asked for this a developer would reach for Flash, but nowadays HTML5 (which has a <ParallaxScroll> tag), CSS3 and JQuery are usually employed to achieve scrolling effects.

I’ve collected a bunch of scrolling websites that are built with the arrow keys in mind. Some of these are more ‘animated’ than others, and some scrolling websites feel a little bit clunky, but all of them are interesting and creative web experiences”.

14 fantastic scrolling websites that tell a story

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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