Sale on Domain name Registration #ad
We received a notice from that for the next 6 days, they are holding a sale on registration, 15%-25% off their usual fees. Everyone gets at least 15% off your bill; spend $40 and get 20% off or spend $80 or more and get 35% off.
They give coupon codes JUNE15, JUNE20 and JUNE25 to insert in the order form to get the discounts. These discounts end 11:59PM PDT, June 13, 2013.
During this sale, the best prices would be, for example, “” is usually $9.99, but during the sale it’s $7.50 if your amount (before discount) is at least $80. “” or “”, usually $8.99, would be $6.74. What’s more, if you register for multiple years, the discount applies for the whole period, not just the first year.
These prices are good; shop around and you will see that for yourself. The other good thing is that these discount coupons also apply to hosting, so you can host your site with them, too, for a bargain price.
They have an easy “drag and drop” site builder tool to help you build your site, or you can build it with HTML or with WordPress.
There’s a short demo video for their drag and drop tool:
Drag & Drop Site Builder by
If you need to register a domain name or get a new hosting account, you can save for the next few days here: Registration Sale
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