After a week of gifts to “prime the pump” Ezra Firestone and his mentor Ryam Deiss have released their solution for affiliate marketing for physical products.

Unfortunately, the Internet is replete with self-proclaimed, yet completely unproven, “marketers” who give the rest of us marketers a bad name by operating outside the bounds of ethics. It’s good when you find someone you can actually trust.

Ezra Firestone has proven during the last week that he understands how to sell “brown boxes” (that is, physical products that arrive at the buyer’s house in a brown box saying “Amazon” on the outside, or Sears, or, etc.)

Today is the day to discover how to join Amazon to dominate your niche (and sell a lot more “stuff” online).

The “Brown Box Formula” by Ezra Firestone just went live and it’s selling well.

Firestone sells millions every year riding on Amazon’s free traffic for testing and tweaking his affiliate store and for customer acquisition for his list.

Firestone runs real businesses selling fun stuff he doesn’t create, touch or even see.

In addition to the training, Firestone announced today a secret “Brown Box” mastermind that will help its members dominate the Amazon and eCommerce space through the superior marketing techniques they learn.

As he has done all week, Firestone explains what he is offering in a video. Check it out here: Brown Box Formula

By the way, did you see the videos that Firestone put out over the last week as he built a brand-new product site from scratch and has already made sales?

If not, they are worth your time. They are here: How to start an affiliate business quickly

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