WP Authority Suite Pro: Give your blog more authority #ad
Google is looking for sites with credibility. These sites are known as “authority sites.” How do you lift your site to authority status? One key parameter Google looks at is authorship.
Multi-author sites have more authority than single author sites, other things being equal. WP Authority Suite Pro is a WordPress plugin that helps you to easily convert your site to a multi-author site.
Mashable.com is a prime example of a multi-author site. Its (admittedly excellent) content is created by many authors, identified by name and verified by Google.
Guest posting on your site can generate multiple-author content, as can using RSS feeds from other experts in your niche. Your site can become the hub for news in your niche, just as IM NewsWatch is for the internet marketing niche. This new plugin can make it simple.
WP Authority Suite Pro can:
• Set you up as a Google-verified author
• Set your contributors are Google-verified authors
• Enable backlinks from contributors’ websites to your site. If their backlink is removed, you are notified so you can contact them and potentially remove their posts.
• The author Widget lets you place author information wherever you choose on your site, promoting them so they will be motivated to contribute content.
• Internal backlinking improves your bounce rate and helps visitors find what they need.
Warning: WP Authority Suite Pro comes in a “Lite” version and a “Pro version”. Don’t get the Lite version. The pro version has much more power for about $2 more.
Richard Fairbairn has packed a lot of features into this new plugin. And it is attracting both affiliates and purchasers.
The price is under $20 (but rising) for the pro version, but after this week, the price jumps to $77. You can see the details and get a clear picture of what it can do here: WP Authority Suite Pro
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