‘Website A/B Testing: 4 tips to beat an unbeatable landing page’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog
The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Website A/B Testing: 4 tips to beat an unbeatable landing page”.
Taylor Kennedy says, “Have you ever had a landing page you just couldn’t beat?
I know I have.
I tried everything I could think of, and yet, one treatment after another was beaten by the control.
Today’s MarketingExperiments blog post features four tips I discovered for beating a reigning champion that you can use to get your testing mojo back. Our goal is to give marketers a few insights to aid testing efforts.
But before we get started, a quick caveat. While increasing conversion rates is important, you shouldn’t waste too many resources going after another lift unless the ROI on your efforts makes sense”.
Website A/B Testing: 4 tips to beat an unbeatable landing page
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