Noah Whitmore is no stranger to software development. He has released several successful WordPress plugins in the past year. Now he turns his attention to a particularly helpful plugin for 2013, a mobile site builder called SnapMobile.

Any website needs a mobile version as more and more surfing is done from mobile phones and tablets. Whitmore’s new software is a simple way to create a professional-looking mobile site using a drag-and-drop approach.

It takes just 4 simple steps to get your first mobile website up and running with SnapMobile.

1. Install the plugin
2. Click on ‘Add New Mobile Site’
3. Drag features onto the smart phone screen and adjust them
4. Click on ‘Publish’

Whether you are building sites for your own use or for clients, be sure to include mobile-friendly functionality. SnapMobile get get your mobile site completed in record time.

iPhones, Andriods, Windows phones, tablets and even Blackberries are supported automatically. You never have to create a special version for a brand of phone.

The price is rising, but as of now, you can get a copy for $16 that you can use for all your websites and all the client websites you manage.

Get your questions answered and then get your copy here: SnapMobile

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