The latest article on ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Tap Into the Power of Google+ Hangouts – Part Two: Demystifying Google Hangouts Technology″.

D’vorah Lansky says, “In part one in this series, I provided anoverview of Google+ Hangoutsand shared several ideas for how you can use Google+ Hangouts in your business. Hangouts allow you to record a real-time video on your own or with up to nine additional participants.

You can also record your Hangout with the “Hangouts on Air” feature, and have your Hangout streaming live on YouTube. This option allows you to share your video with an unlimited number of people. There arelots of possibilitiesfor this powerful technology“.

Tap Into the Power of Google+ Hangouts – Part Two: Demystifying Google Hangouts Technology

‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

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