WP Snapper: Backup, Clone and Customize WordPress sites in minutes #ad
In the online business, time is critical. You don’t want to waste time because you’ll never get it back.
One of the most time-consuming and frustrating things for most marketers is building their website. It’s hard and it takes a lot of tweaking and finagling to get it right.
Once you have it right, you can congratulate yourself, but wouldn’t it be nice to do more with that hard work? Especially, people who have to build one website after another in their business could use some help.
If you consult for other businesses, for example, to get them online, you have to build a website for each client. Now Ricky Mataka and Michael Young have a new solution for building multiple sites, each “learning” from the last.
It’s the world’s most advanced WordPress cloning engine in the world, they say. They call it WP Snapper.
Watch Ricky Build Out a Site in 5 Minutes: WP Snapper Demo.
Imagine having the ability to save your work, clone it, and then create custom versions of it for new sites in seconds, not just word-for-word clones, but unique versions.
WP Snapper lets you backup (and then restore) to Amazon S3, Dropbox or Google Drive, or use Mataka’s system.
Speed of action is a key for bigger success. If you are trying to create sites and aren’t getting them set up in a few seconds then you may want to take a look at WP Snapper.
You’ll be able to make customized sites on the fly, back up your work in seconds and then redeploy it with the customization. This will save you lots of time if you make similar sites again and again.
Check this out is you make lots of sites or if you want to back up even a few sites: WP Snapper
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