is a very experienced marketer who knows the problems WordPress can present to unwary webmasters, particularly those with several sites to manage.

Security is a top concern, and updates to plugins, themes or WordPress, itself, can be crucial to good security. When a new version becomes available, you want to get it installed as quickly as possible.

Quick updates become hard if you have 10 or more sites to update. Shaffer’s WP Pipeline Pro is designed to make it easy.

“Easy” and “quick” are particularly important if your site has been hacked and you need to restore sanity to it. That’s when WP Pipeline Pro can really earn its keep.

Here’s what it will do for your WP site (let’s call them blogs, for simplicity):
• Backup all your blogs
• Create new blogs
• Clone a blog
• Add a new theme or plugin to all your blogs automatically
• Organize all your blog userids and passwords
• Alert you when a blog is down or needs updating

And that’s not all. For precise site management, you can divide your sites/blogs into groups (your Amazon blogs, your Forex blogs, etc.) and manage them separately. That comes in handy, for example, when you buy a new plugin that is specifically for Amazon affiliate sites.

You have two license options, a single-installation license (managing up to 5 sites) and an unlimited site license.

You can find out all the details here: WP Pipeline Pro

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