You probably have heard of cPanel. Your web hosting company probably includes it in their service.

Cpanel is a administrative panel for websites. It makes it practical for average marketers like you to manage their own sites, once you understand how it works.

You can check whether your site has a cpanel by adding “/cpanel” at the end of your URL in your browser.

If you have cPanel available for your site, but have never used it, or used it minimally, now’s your chance to become a “power user” of cPanel.

You will come to a screen with a whole lot of icons. It’s divided into sections, each dedicated to a group of icons that do related functions.

Each of these icons opens a program that will help you with your site. For example, at the bottom of the screen is there’s usually one icon named Fantastico.

Clicking on Fantastico brings you to a large menu of software that you can install on your website free of charge, such as:
– WordPress
– Joomla
– Help Center Live
– phpBB forum system
– Coppermine Photo Gallery
– Tikiwiki wiki software
– Moodle online course manager
– Web Calendar

Generally, there are many more useful programs there, too. Once you understand what functions you need for your site, there’s a good chance you’ll find something in Fantastico to handle it, saving you time and money.

to spend the time to learn them.

And that’s just one of the programs available from cPanel. There are many more important site management fuctions included.

Stig Villadsen has just released a guide for beginners on how to take advantage of the power of cPanel, called cPanel for Newbies.

These 14 videos explore the many things cPanel can do for you, especially the features that aren’t well-known.

You can see the first video in the series and get your own copy for under $10 here: cPanel for Newbies

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