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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

‘Google Now: What Does Predictive Search Mean for You?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Google Now: What Does Predictive Search Mean for You?”. Sarah Beth Wiltse says, “You’ve undoubtedly heard of Google Now by now. Although Google’s latest search innovation has been around for over a year, it managed to fly a little under the radar until the release of the app for iOS this spring. Here’s a quick refresher in case you’ve somehow missed the details. Google Now is basically a magical assistant with a goal of making it a million times easier to find the info you need right now. Before you even ask,... [...]

Great Kindle Titles bring more sales #ad

Ben Shaffer has found that choosing the right title for your book can increase sales significantly. Some title cause people to stop and click; others just bore them and send them on to browse something else. To help you create better titles for your books, Shaffer has created Killer Kindle Titles. It shows you how to choose the best title for your book so your chances of profit are much greater. As important as the rest of your cover may be, the title is even more important. This guide isn’t about all the aspects of Kindle marketing; it only focuses on this one crucial thing: getting your... [...]

‘Twitter Commerce: A Wow Or An Eh?’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Twitter Commerce: A Wow Or An Eh?”. Sucharita Mulpuru says, “Get ready for the barrage of bad speculation about Twitter and its imminent dominance of online retail. If you didn’t hear already, Twitter hired Nathan Hubbard, a former Ticketmaster exec to figure out its commerce revenue stream. Interesting yes, but game-changing, no. Here’s why: startups tend to look for smart people first and figure out their jobs later. The mentality often goes like this: “We need to figure out what we’re going to do in X, this guy has... [...]

‘ShareASale ThinkTank 2013 in Denver, CO’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “ShareASale ThinkTank 2013 in Denver, CO”. Collins Says, “ShareASale ThinkTank 2013 will be held in Denver, CO from October 23-25. ShareASale ThinkTank is an annual event from ShareASale that brings together their top clients, as well as new, up-and-coming affiliate and merchants. I’ve been to the last four and it’s a fantastic combination of business and friendship in top notch locations. This time around, ShareASale ThinkTank is taking place at the Curtis Hotel in Denver. The conference kicks off with one-on-one educational sessions,... [...]

‘The Benefits Of Thinking Like Google’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “The Benefits Of Thinking Like Google”. Peterd says, “Shadows are the color of the sky. It’s one of those truths that is difficult to see, until you look closely at what’s really there. To see something as it really is, we should try to identify our own bias, and then let it go. “Unnatural” Links This article tries to make sense of Google’s latest moves regarding links. It’s a reaction to Google’s update of their Link Schemes policy. Google’s policy states “Any links intended to manipulate PageRank or a site’s ranking... [...]

Get Amazon commissions without the hassles #ad

James Lufton is releasing No Hassle Commissions this morning. It’s a guide to earning Amazon commissions without the usual work involved in building an affiliate website. Lufton says that you can earn Amazon commissions without having to spend any money, without having a website and without having to sell any products to anybody. He says No Hassle Commissions gives you a “Win/Win Strategy” that can get your posts in front of thousands of Facebook users in just minutes, even if you have no audience of your own.” There are often plenty of existing reviews for Amazon products so you... [...]

‘Email marketing with me and @copypress’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Email marketing with me and @copypress”. Schoemaker says, “Last thursday I did a Google Hangout with Nicole from Copypress. As you can tell it was super laid back. I lead off talking about my new company the PAR Program but we quickly go into a lot of questions that were mailed in. I give away a 4 email sequence that absolutely crushes it even if you just scan for that =P. We talk about many many various subjects some awesome questions. I loved it. I usually always get the same questions when I do webinars”. Email marketing with me and... [...]

‘Google Earns 33% of Online Ad Revenues’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google Earns 33% of Online Ad Revenues”. Zoe Fox says, “Google is king when it comes to online ad spending. One-third of ad dollars spent online go to the search giant. Following Google, the largest destinations for online ad spending are Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft. Online ad spending will total $117.6 billion in 2013, which is up 13% from 2012, when $104 billion was spent online. Statista created this chart showing the top 10 destinations for online ad dollars, usingeMarketer data on online ad revenues“. Google Earns 33%... [...]

‘Gamification for marketers: what old school games can teach us about engagement’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Gamification for marketers: what old school games can teach us about engagement”. Matthew Kates says, “You’ve most likely heard or even uttered the latest ‘it’ term out there for marketers: Gamification. But what does it truly mean? Is it a fad or is it here to stay? Defined as the “process of using game concepts and mechanics to engage users and change behavior,” gamification is, at its core, a simple concept with huge potential for business. In fact according to Gartner, 70% of Global 2000 organizations... [...]

Untapped Keyword Research: find keywords that lead to higher sales #ad

There are keywords that can bring in good sales that other marketers are ignoring, Taylor Rizer says that focusing on these existing, searched for, but ignored keywords is the method for finding a lot of good, targeted traffic. He has proven it in his own marketing. Now he has created a new training guide (with bonuses), called Untapped Keyword Research, to show you how you can find these kewords waiting to be tapped by a smart marketer. In this guide he shows you how to start with the highly competitive (“tapped”) keywords and go from there to the untapped ones. You want to analyse... [...]

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