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Sunday, February 16, 2025

‘Facebook’s Global Mobile Ad Market Share to Triple This Year’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook’s Global Mobile Ad Market Share to Triple This Year”. Todd Wasserman says, “Google claimed more than half of the $16.65 billion global ad market in 2012, but Facebook made some big gains as well, according to a new eMarketer report. The search giant went from a 38.1% share in 2011 to 52.4% in 2012, eMarketer estimates. This year, Google’s share will increase slightly to 53.2%. Meanwhile, Facebook’s slice of the mobile ad market went from zero in 2011 to 5.3% in 2012. This year, the company will nearly triple... [...]

‘Facebook promotion rules update: Could this devalue fans?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Facebook promotion rules update: Could this devalue fans?”. Matt Owen says, “Facebook announced the latest in its never-ending series of updates last night, with some significant changes to competition and promotion rules.   While these announcements are ten-a-penny, this latest tweak  could have a fundamental effect on the way many pages are run”. Facebook promotion rules update: Could this devalue fans? ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Google’s New AdWords Quality Score Reporting: Where Did All My 10s Go?’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Google’s New AdWords Quality Score Reporting: Where Did All My 10s Go?”. Elisa Gabbert says, “Recently, Google announced a change in the way Quality Score would be reported within AdWords. The change, which they’re reportedly doing for more transparency, is supposed to tie your reported Quality Score — the figure between 1 and 10 that you see in AdWords — more closely with your actual Quality Score — the figure that gets calculated each time you enter the ad auction”. Google’s New AdWords Quality Score... [...]

‘”Responsive Design” Is Good For Web Apps – And For Authentication’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “”Responsive Design” Is Good For Web Apps – And For Authentication”. Eve Maler says, “If you ever need a belly laugh, visit the site (warning: it’s often not safe for work). It’s also a great illustration of why you shouldn’t just force users through the same exact login procedure when they use mobile apps versus full-fledged browser windows: hitting all the right tiny keys is hard work, and often the software behind the scenes is helpfully trying to “correct” everything you type. Responsive... [...]

‘Winning Strategies to Lose Money With Infographics’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Winning Strategies to Lose Money With Infographics”. Aaron Wall says, “Google is getting a bit absurd with suggesting that any form of content creation that drives links should include rel=nofollow. Certainly some techniques may be abused, but if you follow the suggested advice, you are almost guaranteed to have a negative ROI on each investment – until your company goes under. Some will ascribe such advice as taking a “sustainable” and “low-risk” approach, but such strategies are only “sustainable” and... [...]

‘Thought Leadership is a Synonym for Attention’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Thought Leadership is a Synonym for Attention”. Brian Clark says, “I’ve been thinking about thought leadership lately. Many smart people, including venture capitalist Brad Feld and Marketo cofounderJon Miller, equate content marketing with becoming a thought leader. Personally, I’ve never liked the term. It signifies some exalted guru status, and my 15 years of online content marketing suggests something much less exclusive. Anyone can achieve business authority with content, if they truly want to. I’ve done it in several... [...]

‘How Twitter Learned to Love Advertising’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How Twitter Learned to Love Advertising”. Todd Wasserman says, “More than four years passed between the time Jack Dorsey composed the first-ever tweet (“Just setting up my twtter”) and Twitter started running ads in 2010. Like Facebook before it, Twitter started out somewhat ambivalent about advertising, as did its fans. In a prescient post one month before the microblogging network caught mainstream attention at the 2007 South by Southwest, Dave Armano, managing director of Edelman Digital in Chicago, fretted that advertisers... [...]

’14 creative HTML5 websites built for digital agencies’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “14 creative HTML5 websites built for digital agencies”. Chris Lake says, “If you run a digital agency, especially one that designs and builds websites, then what better way of showing off your talents than to build a wonderful website for your own company? In the past couple of years many agencies have rebuilt and relaunched their websites using HTML5 and CSS3. The results can be eye-opening, highly engaging, and built to work on all kinds of devices. It’s not all good news though. Sometimes the use of HTML5 can... [...]

‘Content Marketing: How To Measure Its Effectiveness’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Content Marketing: How To Measure Its Effectiveness”. Pam Dyer says, “Content marketing is key in today’s marketplace — it is the intersection of awareness and lead generation. Brands must provide a steady stream of articles, photos, videos, and other resources to demonstrate their relevancy and bring in new customers. While some large companies like Sears, Coca-Cola, and Kraft have quickly caught on to content marketing and are able to accurately measure and leverage their results, it’s not always easy to quantify... [...]

’10 Terrible Reasons to Redesign Your Website’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “10 Terrible Reasons to Redesign Your Website”. Jessica Meher says, “Almost every marketer has been through awebsite redesign in their lifetime. Whether it’s for corporate rebranding, launching new products, going mobile, or just to increase the site’s effectiveness, a redesign is a great way to recharge and breathe new life into your online presence”. 10 Terrible Reasons to Redesign Your Website HubSpot  [...]

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