Well-known marketer, Ken Reno has teamed with Alex Albert to release, not just a new application, but a new class of applications. Their software will build you an application that delivers your content via DropBox.

When you use e-mail to deliver your content, you are hindered by low open rates, spam filters, block on your ISP or your IP, and blacklists (and don’t forget Google’s new promotions tab.)

Now with Reno’s and Albert’s DropBox Deliver Custom App, you can bypass all these problems and deliver your content directly to your subscriber’s DropBox account.

With your new application, when your subscribers opt in to your list, they are authorizing your application to send your content directly to their DropBox, and place it in a unique folder where it will be easy to find.

You just upload your content to DropBox and the application goes to work. It looks up your subscriber list, sends the content to them, and pops up a notice to them that they have new content.

It’s easy for you and easy for them. And it avoids all the hassles that go along with e-mail and autoresponders.

Find out more about this new way to delivering value to your subscribers here: DropBox Deliver Custom App

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