The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “B2B Marketing Measurement Needs to Sharpen Its Business Acumen”.

Laura Ramos says, “”Marketing measures its performance to prove its value, not to improve it.”

Let’s face it — marketing is often accused of poorly demonstrating it impact on the business in terms that business executives understand and appreciate. Even though advances in marketing automation and digital channels make it easier to track activity and results, this reputation persists and keeps many B2B CMOs from commanding a strategic seat at the leadership table.
Yet B2B CMOs can’t continue to rely on measures like brand awareness, trade show scans, or website traffic to demonstrate the benefit their departments deliver. Those who do will be shown to the door as CEOs and CFOs raise the bar on accountability — and getting the right attention here is a substantial challenge when so few execs rely on marketing data in their decision making (see figure to the right.)”.

B2B Marketing Measurement Needs to Sharpen Its Business Acumen

The Forrester Blog

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