You may have noticed that IM NewsWatch has had some page load speed problems in the last few months, caused by software problems. We have worked hard to correct those problems, and as a result our home page loads faster.

That’s important because Google rankings are influenced by how fast your page loads. They reason that waiting around for a page to load isn’t good for a searcher, so fast loading pages get extra credit in their search page algorithms.

“But how can I do it?” you may ask. How can I improve my page load speed? Well, the answer is that once you understand what goes into determining your page load speed, you can change settings and tweak your site in several ways to make it run faster. And you don’t have to be a programmer to do it.

Josh Fulfer has created a training system to show you how to make the changes needed. For example, one thing that will speed up your site is to install a caching program. There are several of these available, but one of the most popular is W3 Total Cache. So Fulfer includes a detailed guide plus a video that together cover everything you need to know about setting up W3 Total Cache on your site.

But he also explains Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) And shows you how to use one to speed up your site significantly. And most of his tips can be implemented using free tools and software.

You can get all this for under $10 here: WP Speed Formula

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