Alessandro Zamboni wants to hep you build a better curated site, without writing content, without paying freelancers and without auto-blogging softwatre.

His new Content Curation Express opens the doors to the world of content curation in a way that even beginners can become curators.

When you start curating content, your status in the eyes of your visitors will rise. You are seen as an expert in your field because you have your finger on the pulse. You have contact wit the experts, and you share with your readers what’s important. So they grow to trust you.

In this printable guide, Zamboni takes you through the curation process at a detailed level, so you can the picture at a high level and then, at a detailed level.

Besides the guide, you get:
• A mind map that graphically summarizes the process
• A list of over 100 RSS feeds you can use to gather content
• Membership in a Facebook support group to assist your curation work.

With Zamboni’s guidance, you can get started in content curation, and build your business using freely available content on the web.

Your site can become a busy hub within your niche if you include great content from other sites. Find out how here: Content Curation Express

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