’16 alternative lorem ipsum generators to spice up your filler text’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “16 alternative lorem ipsum generators to spice up your filler text”.
Chris Lake says, “If you’ve ever wireframed webpages then you might have found the need to use some dummy text. Traditionally that meant searching for ‘lorem ipsum’ on Google and copying and pasting a bunch of Latin.
Nowadays, we have a few more options. I have collected some lorem ipsum variants for you to use the next time you need some placeholder text.
Choose your weapon wisely! And be warned, some of these tools are a little sweary, or non-PC, so if you’re easily offended I suggest you stick to using Latin”.
16 alternative lorem ipsum generators to spice up your filler text
‘Econsultancy’ Blog
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