Evergreen Business System broadcasts your webinars, records them, plays back scheduled replays, tracks attendance and more.

First created by Hector Yague, this system replaces GoToWebinar and all other similar webinar systems, and handles webinars with more sophistication than you can imagine. It’s what you always wanted in webinar management.

When Yague created version 1, Mike Filsaime was one of his early customers. When Filsaime called to report a minor bug they had a long conversation about the system. Mike explained how his programmer had version 1 for his own needs and had created an even more powerful version. Hector asked Mike to show him what would be needed to make an all new Version 2.0 that would exceed all the competing software available.

With Filsaime’s guidance, Yague set to work. Version 2 is now available, and together eith a third partner, Andy Jenkins, they are making it available to marketers around the world.

Evergreen Business System V. 2 has lots of new and improved features marketers need:
• Seamless WordPress/website integration
• Simulate A One-Day / One-Time Event That Expires
• Black Out Dates – (Who does webinars on major holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving anyway?)
• Split testing of landing page and webinar pages
• Embed your Webinar into Facebook
• Attendees can register straight from your own squeeze page
• Compatible with iPhone and iPad
• More registration and webinar presentation designs
• Full screen webinars

Andy and Mike are using this themselves, and they have sold over 5000 copies to other marketers. So you know it’s top qulity.

And, this week only, this top webinar system is on sale for 50% off. Filsaine and Jenkins talk about the system and explain why it’s better than the competition here. They also tell you how to get the 50% discount: Evergreen Business System V. 2

But Saturday is the last day the discount is available. So don’t put it off. Here’s where to get it: Evergreen Business System V. 2

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