The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “4 Ways to Improve Your Twesume”.

Josh Tolan says, “Among all the newest social media job seeking fads, the Twesume might just be the easiest to quickly implement. Do you have a Twitter account? Do you have a resume? Then you already have about 90 percent of your Twesume.

Just because a Twesume can be put together quickly, however, doesn’t mean there aren’t some real things to consider before hitting the tweet button. After all, a recent Jobvite survey showed 92 percent of companies are using social networks to recruit this year. Your social network isn’t just for keeping up with friends or sharing that video of Cookie Monster singing Call Me Maybe. It can be a powerful tool in your job hunting toolbox if you know how to use it.

4 Ways to Improve Your Twesume

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