Adrian Knight has built a six-figure local marketing business during the last 3 years, in London, England.

He found that local businesses are often skeptical of using the internet in their business. The Internet is an unknown factor that is hard for them to get their arms around. Inertia tends to keep them doing what they have always been doing.

If a marketing consultant wants to win a chance to break through that inertia, something powerful and directed personally to the specific needs of the local company. Consultants need a Local Affiliate Offline Client Cash Machine.

In this new, tested training, Knight shows you the difference between a successful sales letter that is opened and then responded to, on one hand, and a letter that is discarded without making any impact on the local business.

Instead of just sending a typical sales letter that gets ignored, Knight sends what he calls a Cash Machine. Knight says it is so powerful that he doesn’t have to persuade people to invest in his services when he talks with them. Before he ever talks to them, he demonstrates the value he can provide and develops their trust in him. They want to invest because his credibility is beyond doubt due to his initial mailing.

In this new training, he provides a overview and well as step-by-step instructions, with screen captures to make sure you have no unanswered questions.

The direct mail you send in Knight’s process delivers value up front, and does a professional job of showing that you are the undeniable expert, while at the same time, building gratitude from the recipients.

Getting local business owner’s attention isn’t easy. Knight seems to have found a way, and he is sharing it with us for just $9.95 here: Local Affiliate Offline Client Cash Machine

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