‘Notable Internet Marketing Articles’ – Web Marketing Today
The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Notable Internet Marketing Articles for Oct. 21, 2013”.
Kathleen Fealy says, “The recent Internet marketing articles below address mobile, content, video, social, search engine optimization, and customer experience. I found them helpful for my Internet marketing consulting firm. Hopefully they will help your business too.
“5 Crucial Mobile Advertising Tactics For Small Businesses” by Danny Brown, American Express OPEN
Your customers are using mobile, whether you created a strategy for it or not. Businesses need to start thinking mobile and this article helps get them into the proper mindset. Five points geared toward small business include creating a native mobile ad, using a mobile display advertising partner, building a Foursquare ad, taking advantage of QR codes in the right way, and thinking local with your keywords”.
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