By Jo Guzman

Over the years it has been getting harder and harder to hold the attention of a visitor on our websites, so it is important to understand what are some of the best ways to get someone to focus on your site and stay there for a while. To assist with making your website successful, here are some ideas  that you can implement into your site.

Quality Content

The first and most important part of any website is going to be the content that is inside of it. Having content that your target demographic would actually enjoy is going to be a major factor in whether or not
they will stay on your site and pay attention to what you are offering them. Having bad content or rushed content will just end up increasing your bounce rates, making your site look unprofessional, and making it harder for you to retain repeat visitors.

Great Design

Web design has always been a big part into catching the attention of people. Design your website so that it looks professional and user-friendly at the same time. If your site doesn’t look professional or has
certain techniques implemented, then that could damage its success. Professional designers will use techniques that help with conversion rates, bounce rates, user activity, and other aspects of website.

If you are unable to hire a professional design firm to do the job, then try using a freelance site, such as These sites make it simple a to
get the work you want for the price you want to pay. You just post a job and watch designers bid for it. Then choose who gets the job.


You should be using videos in your website. People are much more inclined to pay attention to a video than they are to read through a whole article of text or listen to a podcast.

Videos can be used in many different ways, so don’t limit yourself. For example, if you are having a hard time converting visitors into customers, and you are wanting to sell physical products, try making a product preview or description in a video. They will know exactly what they are getting, will pay more attention to the product, and also be more willing to buy it.

Frequent Updates

Once you have solved the traffic problems and are getting a good amount of traffic, you have to give your visitors a reason to come back. Providing a lot of updates such as new content, events, promotions, etc. will give them a reason to visit your site again. Of course, your website should be ready to handle the amount of traffic it receives. Having a fast loading site is extremely important so make sure to have the best provider possible to host your website. This also lets people know that the website is dedicated, and it will earn their respect.

Social Aspects

Adding social aspects to your site will greatly improve the user experience and will have people interacting with each other all of the time. For example, add a forums section, allowing comments, have live chats, etc. This will not only increase their attention to your site and decrease your bounce rates, but it will also make the community more closely attached to your site.

You are probably thinking about how much extra work this will take, and you are right. You will need to manage the forums, delete inappropriate comments, etc., but in the end, it will be well worth it by
getting much more traffic and improving your conversion rate.

Internal Links

The last thing to consider is internal links. People tend to underestimate how useful they can really be. If you add relevant internal links throughout all of your content, then people have quick access to other pieces of content that they are likely going to be interested in. Once they start to click on the links and see that they are useful, they will continue to do so until they run out of content to go through.

You should never use any misleading tricks to get people to visit new content or anything else within your site. Search engines are able to tell when your anchor texts are misleading, so just keep everything above board and you will start to see your site get more and more popular.

Jo GuzmanJo is a freelance writer who loves to share her passion for social media and internet marketing on various blogs. She also writes for MakeAWebsite – an independent review site for web hosting companies. Visit their site if you’d like to gather more information about a particular host you have in mind.

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