‘Are You Missing Copy on Your Page? How adding the right paragraph generated a 36% lift’ MarketingExperiments Webinar 4.00 pm EST
This is our last chance to tell you about MarketingExperiments’ webinar on Wednesday, November 6 at 4.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Are You Missing Copy on Your Page? How adding the right paragraph generated a 36% lift”.
MarketingExperiments team says, “Imagine one of your webpages for a moment. Are you absolutely sure you are communicating everything your customer needs to move to the next step?
What if you are losing business because a portion of your customers don’t have enough information to make a decision to buy?
Marketing Experiments intends to fix that. In their next clinic, the MarketingExperiments team will reveal how one company captured 36% more total sales by adding a simple paragraph to its page.
Along with this case study, you’ll learn:
• How to diagnose your own page for copy problems
• What types of changes you can make to already high-performing copy
• The one thing your copy needs to state or imply before you talk about your product
• More copywriting case studies from our library”.
Webinar Details
Organizer: MarketingExperiments
Topic: Are You Missing Copy on Your Page? How adding the right paragraph generated a 36% lift
Day/Date: Wednesday, November 6
Time: 4.00 pm EST – Time Zone Converter
Register for webinar details.
‘Are You Missing Copy on Your Page? How adding the right paragraph generated a 36% lift’ Webinar
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