Instant Traffic Websites by Peter Garety, Andy Fletcher: coming soon #ad
Peter Garety and Andy Fletcher have merged their businesses. From now on they will produce and market products as a team. Fletcher says he will handle the technical side of the business and product development. Garety will be the “outside” man, handling the public responsibilities.
These two major figures in internet marketing, working together, should be able to create some powerful products. They are announcing their first joint product on Tuesday: Instant traffic Websites.
This new tool is an image-management platform that allows you to manage images on your site to get more traffic and, ultimately, earn more from your site. And it does so in complete compliance with Google’s image publishing you know you won’t damage your Google ranking.
The goal is to attract the 95% of your visitors who are not becoming your customers or followers. Getting their attention and keeping it can make a big difference.
Today, they are offering a free report to prepare for their launch, : Silent Traffic Report
.. It explains the new promotional platform and shows you what to do if you want to build it manually.
You don’t really need their software if you have the time and energy to follow their instructions in this report. But on Tuesday, if you want to make your work a lot easier, you can get their software to help you out.
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Check here today for the free report; check here Tuesday to get their software when they launch: Instant traffic Websites
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