For 15 years, Google has occasionally changed their iconic search logo for a day, to celebrate a particular historic event or person.

When you go to their search page,, if you arrive on a day when the logo is changed you will see modified logo, which is usually whimsical and often amusing.

Cnet ( has created a slide show, chronicling the history of these Google Doodles:

It’s a warm trip down memory lane. But it’s more than that. It illustrates:
• Google’s awareness of the larger society
• The creativity and energy of Google’s engineers and designers
• The technical complexity that was required to create the animated doodles.

All marketers can learn lessons from observing what Google has done. Even though many of us won’t have the resources to imitate their degree of inventiveness, their willingness to do “a little bit extra” to stand out can be an inspiration to us all.

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