‘Big Data’s Greatest Power: Predictive Analytics’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Big Data’s Greatest Power: Predictive Analytics”.
David Bernstein says, “There’s hardly an article, news story, webinar, or whitepaper these days that talks about Big Data that doesn’t also talk about predictive analytics. In fact, I contribute to that body of work through my own talks and writings.
So, why is there such hype and curiosity about these topics? Even though the topics may seem complicated, the answer is actually very straightforward. As a rule of thumb, being surprised is rarely a good thing in business. What’s important is the increase in accuracy in what can now be achieved in the business models and forecasts using Big Data. Predictive analytics is the methodology that makes that last statement true. Predictive analytics takes “historical” data into consideration – using data mining and statistics – to try to predict what will happen in the future”.
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