Karthik Ramani is a well-known software developer who has created products such as FB Timeline Maker, FB Ad Maker, Social Lead Engine (all of them Facebook marketing tools), and many more.

Now in his new Social Mini Store, he has built you a “drag and drop” system for building a commercial business on your Facebook fan page. He makes it very flexible, and he makes it easy.

The system comes with the ability to manage up to 10 fan pages, more than enough for most marketers’ personal needs. A developer’s license with unlimited fan pages is available as an upgrade.)

For each fan page you create, you have the choice of 5 flexible business-specific themes (more are available in upgrades) that are pre-built for ease (but that can be changed with ease, as well):
• A Store (where you can sell apps or most anything else)
• A Webinar Replay page
• A Thank You page
• A second store design
• A third store design, particularly intended for physical goods, such as clothing

If you choose, you can add a fan gate to your fan page so that people have to like it before they can see it.

You can make the page into a pop-up; or how about using it in WordPress? That’s just a little of the flexibility you get with this theme. Change colors; add video; add graphics; addd scripts, etc.

With Social Mini Store, in a few short minutes you can turn the world’s biggest social networking site into your own personal store front.

Even though this system is hosted on Ramani’s server, you only pay a single fee and get a lifetime of usage with no monthly subscription fees. and no hidden extras

The price is rising, but if you hurry, you can subscribe for life for under $20 here: Social Mini Store

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