The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The Life of a Tweet: A Look at the First 24 Hours”.

Maggie Hibma says, “I’ve been swimming in a sea of Twitter statslately — not surprising, since Twitter went publicat the beginning of November — and I’ve found a lot of info about what happens every day on Twitter. What I’ve discovered is some mind-boggling data, like 9.6 million active users, 2.1 billion search queries and 400 million tweets (according to Saxum).

These figures provide really good insight into a day in the life of Twitter … but it got me thinking:What about a day in the life of a tweet? Where does it go? Who sees it? And, more importantly, what should social media marketers be doing in the first 24 hours after posting a tweet?”.

The Life of a Tweet: A Look at the First 24 Hours


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