Enhance your website with free Google fonts #ad
People do judge a book by its cover and a website by its appearance. The more professional your site looks, the money money it can make for you.
Among the no-charge services Google offers is a set of 600 fonts that they make available to any website at no charge. No longer are you stuck with Arial or Tomes New Roman (and a few other Microsoft “safe” fonts that all browsers support.) Now you can design your site around the rich selection of professional fonts offered by Google.
Google came out with their Web Fonts library to give website owners a choice of high-quality fonts that will make the their site look good, without slowing it down.
All you have to do is reference the Google font you want in the code for your site. Your site can look like a million bucks, and all at no cost to you.
But it’s normally a bit of work to incorporate these Google fonts properly into your site. And it normally takes programming expertise to do it. But not anymore.
With the G-Font Plugin for WordPress, you can incorporate any of the Google fonts with point-and-click ease.
Besides the fonts, this plugin also makes it easy to use 27 Font Effects (how about blinking? drop shadow? three-dimension, etc). In Seconds you can set up your headlines, sub-heads and more to attract more attention and hold people on your site longer.
You get a complete user guide as well as a developer’s license, so you can use these fonts on as many sites as you choose.
The whole package is only $17 here: G-Font Plugin
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