IM NewsWatch has warned of the dangers of using graphics without proper permission. The risks to your business and your bank account are tremendous. Many copyright owners are only too happy to sue when their rights are violated.

This problem can occur with artist-created graphics, with music, and it also can occur with photos. The temptation is strong; you want a good image to illustrate your message, and it’s so hard to find a good one without paying a hefty fee, so you are wondering whether, just this once, you could use a copyrighted picture.

Don’t do it. It’s wrong; it’s dangerous; and now it’s completely unnecessary. Michael Formby has undertaken a massive research project (research and development took 12 months) to find and make available over 80,000 copyright-free photos that you can use however you choose in your marketing because they are in the Public Domain.

He calls his collection WP Quick Pic Studio. He delivers his pictures via a WordPress plugin, so that when you are in the middle of creating a post or a page, you don’t have to go outside WP to find pictures. They are sitting there, waiting for you, just a click away.

In seconds, you can resize your chosen photo to fit in the space you want to fill and paste it right in. You can also add special effects to set a mood or call attention to it.

You can even import your own cell phone photos, via your DropBox account) into WP Quick Pic Studio to use them along with the high-quality photos already available.

Beyond that, users of WP Quick Pic Studio have a shared repository of photos they have taken and make available to each other. You can (if you like) load your own photos there. You may also download photos other members have taken.

If a picture is, as they say, worth a thousand words, 80,000 can fill a library. You have three licenses available: single site, unlimited multi-site personal, and if you want to upgrade from either of these, you may also get a developer’s license.

Get enough pictures for hundreds of websites. Formby is running a dime-sale here: WP Quick Pic Studio

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