The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How To Use Post-Transactional Ecommerce NPS Emails To Grow Sales”.

Tom Schwab says, “Too many ecommerce marketers call it a day when the register rings and the customer completes the transaction. Smart marketers know that developing long term customers is key, but we treat people who have finished a transaction like they’re brand new customers. It’s always struck me as odd that people claim to get so much business from “word of mouth”, yet ignore tracking it as a metric and working to improve it.

Neither the Net Promoter Score concept nor the idea of customer satisfaction surveys is completely new, but combining these two activities and triggering interactions with customers in a scalable, B2C ecommerce environment is a dramatically underutilized application“.

How To Use Post-Transactional Ecommerce NPS Emails To Grow Sales


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