Marketing Emails for people who don’t know how #ad
There are a lot of people who don’t know how to write persuasive sales copy. For them, writing a persuasive email is torture. Writing one that actually sells something is almost impossible.
Matt Bacak has a solution for you, his Instant Email Swipefile.
For the last 9 years, Bacak has been regularly sending email sales letters to his mailing list. They have earned him many millions of dollars. Now, he is making every one of these emails available for you to swipe and use for your own sales.
Now you don’t have to labor over a sales letter you need to mail out for your product or an affiliate product. You are getting a collection of 2,863 letters from Bacak. Surely, you can find one you can tailor to suit your product by changing a few words in the letter.
It’s a simple matter of “copy and paste” to take any of his emails and make it your own, with his blessing.
How much time are you wasting trying to come up with a winning letter when Bacak already has a letter you can use?
He thinks this is valuable information, so valuable that marketers will pay almost any price for it, so he is raising the price after every sale. It’s currently about $13, but will probably be higher when you see this.
Get the whole story on Bacak’s best letters (in fact all of his letters) and then get your copy here: Instant Email Swipefile.
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