CurationSoft 3.0 Pro: Better sites through curation #ad
Your WordPress website can attract traffic from people interested in your niche around the world, and when it does, it can become a source of steady income for you.
The main hurdle you have to overcome is creating top content that people will be so interested in reading that they will return day after day. Content curation can help you create this quality content.
By curation, we mean finding interesting content in your niche, then excerpting a snippet of text and “framing” it with your own commentary, putting it in context within the niche at large. You post this curated content on your site with a link to the original story. This is the approach IM NewsWatch takes for most of its articles.
Curation can be a lot work, scanning dozens of authority sites in your niche every day, selecting the most important items and then creating the article for your own site. Fortunately, there is software available that can help you with this work.
CurationSoft 3.0 Pro was just announced by the production team. It’s not a new product. Instead, it has been enhanced over the years to make it one of the leading content curation solutions today.
With CurationSoft 3.0 Pro, you can:
• Quickly locate niche content that will let you populate your site with fresh newsworthy articles.
• Build your credibility in your niche, base don the high-quality content you provide
• Build your search engine ranking faster because your site will be seen as an authority site.
The time you save each month will make a big improvement in your quality of life. The research is automated; you just pick the most interesting article the software finds, select the snippet and write a few words of commentary.
And the software enhances your SEO; it automatically sends a trackback to the originator. Once accepted, it provides you a backlink.
Over 18,000 sites are using this tool to create their content. The new release makes it better than ever. Check it out here: CurationSoft 3.0 Pro.
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