Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “3 Scientific Studies With Real Insight Into Social Media″.

Baer says, “You may remember January 7. You may remember January 7 forever, actually. It was the first icy finger of the infamous Polar Vortex, spawning thousands of social posts in the “you think YOU’RE cold, you should see it here!” vein. But the organization that had perhaps the greatest social success on chilly January 7 may surprise you: Univision– the broadcast and digital information provider focused on American Latinos.

One of the company’s community managers dedicated to the news division (more on Univision’s social structure below), posted to the Univision.com site a user-generated photo of the frozen Lake Michigan in Chicago”.

3 Scientific Studies With Real Insight Into Social Media

Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

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