The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “5 Ways To Increase The ROI of Your eCommerce Marketing Blog”.

Steve Haase says, “As an inbound marketer, you create content. If you’ve been at it for a while, or are blogging very aggressively, you’re seeing the benefits of all that content in terms of increased traffic. You’re hopefully also seeing a corresponding growth in revenue.

But how do you know that the blog is contributing to those results? Or, as one of my customers recently asked me, “How can I tell that this content I worked so hard to create is contributing to sales, rather than people just viewing it then buying elsewhere for a lower price?”

And more importantly, how do you increase the value of the content you’re creating? How do you make the articles you’re writing day in and day out work harder for you? How do you increase visitors’ engagement with your content, and parlay that increased engagement into increased brand recognition and loyalty over time?“.

5 Ways To Increase The ROI of Your eCommerce Marketing Blog


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