The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Is Amazon Customizing Ecommerce Up-Sell Prices Based On Product Usage?”.

Sam Mallikarjunan says, “Amazon makes almost $100k/minute in revenue – yet not much profit. Why? Because Amazon continues to invest in creating highly personalized experiences that grow the economic value they get from their customers over time. Amazon is becoming a platform for people’s lives, and getting very good at generating more revenue per customer by enhancing the value of that platform.

Amazon’s Kindle service lets people buy books that they can then read on Amazon’s physical Kindle. Pricing for the books themselves varies, and when someone buys an ebook they can store it on multiple devices or leave it stored in their account on Amazon’s “cloud” to access later“.

Is Amazon Customizing Ecommerce Up-Sell Prices Based On Product Usage?


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