Making your webinars profitable #ad
The last phase of the 4-phase live webinars success formula is building profit into the process. Just as a reminder:
Phase 1 of a successful webinar is the Preparation. In this phase you make decisions about the best tools to use to present your content..
Phase 2 is Promotion. The right promotion and registration process can mean more participation in the webinar by people interested in your topic.
Phase 3 is Presentation. Viewer engagement increases with activities such as polls and Q & A chats.
Phase 4, again, of a successful webinar: assuring Profit from your webinar.
There are three opportunities for profit associated with a webinar, so you can profit from all your hard work: before the webinar, during the webinar, and after the webinar.
The most obvious way to earn a profit in advance of your live webinar is to charge people to register. The other way to profit in advance is to offer “pre-event training” for a fee.
On the the confirmation page, for example, when people register, you can offer a low-cost related product with a headline like “Want a head-start on the training? Get the quick start guide.”
Profiting during the webinar is well-known. The typical webinar strategy is to profit during the webinar. As a wrap-up for your content presentation, you can make a sales presentation and offer a special purchase offer for your product purchase, and include a link in the chat area of your webinar screen. If you’re using Mike Filsaime‘s and Andy Jenkins‘s WebinarJam, you can embed a picture of your product and offer an opportunity to buy right in the webinar window.
After your webinar, use your autoreponder and your replays to continue to monetize the webinar. Send a link to the replay to everyone who registered for the seminar, whether they attended it live or not, because there’s always the possibility that a viewer will need to hear the sales message a second time before buying.
After the webinar, you can also add promotions for related products to your autoresponder messages sent to attendees. With this approach, your post-webinar profit opportunities are limited only by your imagination.
Andy Jenkins and Mike Mike Filsaime created WebinarJam out of frustration with the other available webinar systems, which were incredibly expensive and not very marketer-friendly.
In addition to supporting all four phases of the webinar process, WebinarJam also:
• Allows you to schedule your webinar immediately or at a date or time in the future,
• Notifies your registrants that the webinar is starting,
• Opens the webinar room and handles the recording
• Supports an unlimited number of attendees,
• Allows you to create an unlimited number of webinars
• Lets you have as many presenters or administrators as you need, people on camera for interviews, staff people to monitor the chat room, etc.
• Integrates easily with your website using a simple embed code, eliminating complicated design or coding for the integration.
• You can embed your branding in the webinar
• Includes social plugins, attendee metrics, revenue figures and much much more
Jenkins and Filsaime explain all of the unique features available here: WebinarJam.
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