‘How to Create a Fantastic Email Newsletter’ – HubSpot
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Create a Fantastic Email Newsletter”.
Ginny Soskey says, “Sending an email newsletter requires juggling a lot of moving pieces. You’ve got to worry about proofreading the copy, creating compelling calls-to-action, designing the email to work for multiple inboxes and devices, avoiding any spam triggers, and brainstorming clickable subject lines, all while staying within the confines of email law.
(Oh, and if you mess any of it up, there’s no “redo” or “update” button.)
So if you’re wondering how to make sure you won’t miss any steps, keep on reading. Inspired byan old post from HubSpot Academy Leader, Mark Kilens, we pulled together a completely updated and comprehensive checklist for anyone looking to send an email newsletter. If you’re sending newsletters, bookmark it in your browser or print it out and hang it up on your cube — you don’t want to miss out on one of these crucial steps“.
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