‘Beyond B2C: A Primer on 4 Different Ecommerce Business Models’ – HubSpot
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Beyond B2C: A Primer on 4 Different Ecommerce Business Models”.
Sam Mallikarjunan says, “Although “ecommerce” tends to be thought of as a homogeneous business model based on the success of such titans as Amazon.com and Walmart, there are actually many different ways that an ecommerce website can make money online.
Based on who is selling to whom, what they’re selling, where they got it, and how they’re completing the transaction(s), an ecommerce business can build a completely unique model that gives them special leverage within a given market. The type of business model you choose also has significant operational and cash flow implications, as well as determining how you’ll position your sales and marketing. Here are four of those common models“.
Beyond B2C: A Primer on 4 Different Ecommerce Business Models
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