The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Google Celebrates The Web’s 25th Birthday With Plea To Keep It Free”.

Amy Gesenhues says, “Today’s Google homepage includes a small birthday cake image with a “25″ candle on top to celebrate the web’s 25th birthday.

The image links to a post on Google’s blog penned by the inventor of the web Sir Tim Berners-Lee, asking that everyone “fight to keep it free and open.”

Berners-Lee writes:

On the 25th birthday of the web, I ask you to join in—to help us imagine and build the future standards for the web, and to press for every country to develop a digital bill of rights to advance a free and open web for everyone. Learn more and speak up for the sort of web we really want with #web25“.

Google Celebrates The Web’s 25th Birthday With Plea To Keep It Free

Marketing Land

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