The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google and Facebook Control Two-Thirds of U.S. Mobile Ad Market”.

Jason Abbruzzese says, “Mobile advertising is booming, but the rising tide is primarily lifting two boats.

Facebook is nearly monopolizing the growth in the global mobile ad industry, having more than tripled its share of the market from 2012 to 2013, according to a report from eMarketerreleased on Wednesday. Google remains the dominant force with just under half of the mobile ad market with 49.3%, a slight decline from 2012 when it enjoyed about 53% of the market. Between Google and Facebook, the two companies how control 66.8% of the U.S. mobile ad market, according to the report.

The overall global mobile advertising market more than doubled in 2013 to almost $18 billion, and is set to grow another 75% this year“.

Google and Facebook Control Two-Thirds of U.S. Mobile Ad Market

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