‘A Beginner’s Guide to Launching Marketing Automation for a Database of 1-10k Contacts’ – HubSpot
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “A Beginner’s Guide to Launching Marketing Automation for a Database of 1-10k Contacts”.
Dan Stasiewski says, “So you have a database of a few thousand contacts. Every month you send those contacts a nice email newsletter with little bits of information in it.
Maybe when you’re going to a tradeshow, you decide to send out an email that invites current and potential customers to your booth.
All great touches, but guiding the buyer’s journey in our content-driven world isn’t as straightforward as scheduling occasional emails. Instead, there’s a courtship that needs to take place between buyers and sellers. This is where marketing automation comes in“.
A Beginner’s Guide to Launching Marketing Automation for a Database of 1-10k Contacts
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