‘Completely Preventable Ways You’re Sabotaging Landing Page Conversions’ – HubSpot
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Completely Preventable Ways You’re Sabotaging Landing Page Conversions”.
Larry Kim says, “If you’re serious about maximizing your investment in marketing, you’re probably at least trying to optimize your landing page conversion rates. You’re doing all the right things — split testing, trying different copy, rearranging page elements, and testing again.
What if I told you all of those things, theconventional wisdom around conversion rate optimization, aren’t enough?
We recently took a deep dive into thousands of advertiser accounts in an attempt to understand why some advertisers are outperforming the conversion rates of their peers by two or three times, or even more“.
Completely Preventable Ways You’re Sabotaging Landing Page Conversions
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